Communications Conference

Events Blog

Five questions with Meghan Mast, workshop facilitator

By David Turner

What's the 140-character version of your talk at Going Barefoot?
Do you work for a non-profit? Interested in storytelling? Join me as we explore what makes a good story and how to creatively engage people.

What's the best story you've read recently?
Oh man, there are so many great stories out there. And so many good writers. But if I had to choose a recent one it would be an article written by Clemantine Wamariya, called, "Everything is yours, everything is not yours." She tells the story about what it was like to escape the Rwandan massacre as a child, be separated from her parents, spend seven years as a refugee and then be reunited with her family on the Oprah show.

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A job description that makes you laugh and a budget that makes you cry

The first Going Barefoot conference was held in 2007, which doesn’t sound that long ago to me. Or at least, it didn’t until I realized that year was the first time anyone heard the word “iPhone.”

The next conference was in 2009, and I found this gem among the workshop descriptions: “Everyone knows about Facebook and My Space, but what about Ning, Yammer, Bebo and Orkut?”

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SAVE THE DATE - Going Barefoot 5 is coming March 11, 2016!

Plans are well underway for the next gathering of non-profit and faith-based communicators for a one-day communications conference.  Most of the time we feel like we're going barefoot into the ever-evolving and ever-changing world of marketing, technology and creative communication!  

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