Canadian Mennonite University

Exhibits: Religion and Family Violence: Understanding the Challenges and Working for Change

Religion and Family Violence: Understanding the Challenges and Working for Change

with Dr. Catherine Holtmann
Director of the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of New Brunswick

Forum conversation hosted by Breaking the Silence on Domestic Violence2

Monday, March 30, 2020 from 1:00 — 3:00 PM CANCELLED

Conference Room, Canadian Mennonite University (south campus)
600 Shaftesbury Blvd.

Held in conjunction with the Breaking the Silence on Domestic Violence2 exhibition at the MHC Gallery. The exhibition runs from March 20-May 2. The MHC Gallery is a gallery of Canadian Mennonite University. 

Students, community and faith leaders are invited.
Attend the forum, visit the exhibition.

The "Home" has been identified as the "most dangerous place for women and their children" in the Canadian Femicide Report by the United Nations in 2018.
The very first homicide in the year 2020 in Winnipeg is domestic related.

We invite you to a workshop to equip individuals, Communities and Faith Leaders with practical tools on how to effectively identify and assist victims of family violence and perpetrators of family violence.

Please RSVP via email: or on our Facebook page at Breaking the Silence on Domestic Violence by March 15, 2020.

The event is free with silver collection.
Please distribute widely in your network!

Presenter: Dr. Catherine Holtmann

Dr. Catherine Holtmann is the Director of the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research (MMFC) and Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) in Fredericton. She is the academic chair of the Religion and Violence research team and of the Violence Against Immigrant and Visible Minority Women research team at the MMFC. The teams use a collaborative, action-oriented approach to research. Cathy's research program touches the areas of gender and religion, domestic violence, and immigrant women. She has conducted numerous comparative studies with Christian and Muslim immigrant women exploring their experiences of gender roles, domestic violence and social support networks.

The Religion and Violence Research team of the MMFC was founded over twenty-five years ago by Dr. Nancy Nason-Clark, who served as its academic chair until her retirement from the Sociology Department at UNB in 2018. Over the years, team members have carried out numerous quantitative and qualitative studies with religious leaders, religious survivors of domestic violence, men who have participated in a faith-based batterer intervention program, as well as those who provide public domestic violence services such as criminal justice workers, domestic violence advocates and shelter staff, and therapeutic professionals. The research findings are the basis for many public presentations, scholarly books, journal articles and book chapters, professional development training sessions, university courses, magazine articles, community and church publications, bulletin inserts, information for church washrooms, denominational policy changes, posters, documentaries, and television and radio interviews. Nancy has presented at over 250 speaking engagements in Canada, the US, Europe, the Caribbean, Australia and Asia.


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