Canadian Mennonite University

MBA Acceptance of Admission

Canadian Students

To accept an offer of admission to CMU's MBA program, Canadian students must: 

International Students

To accept an offer of admission to CMU's MBA program, international students must: 

A place in the program will only be held for those students who meet all of the above deadlines.

Yes, I accept the offer of admission into the 2020 MBA cohort at Canadian Mennonite University. I understand that I must submit the required advance deposit by June 1, 2020 in order to retain my place in the course.

Personal Information
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth (yyyy-mm-dd)
Student # (XX-XXXXX)
Phone #
Email Address
Social Insurance Number
Canadian students only. Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) now requires that CMU collect a valid Social Insurance Number (SIN) to be recorded on student tax forms and for CRA reporting.
Security Confirmation

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