Canadian Mennonite University

Sociology is the systematic study of human society. Topics covered include culture, socialization, groups and organizations, social processes, community, social stratification, social change, and major institutions such as religious, economic, educational, or health care institutions, and the family. The sociological perspective will be illustrated by analyzing Canadian society in the context of the global community.

Why study Sociology at CMU?

At CMU, students are challenged to think about how their faith and beliefs are shaped by society, and about how their faith and beliefs have the potential to shape society. Knowledge of sociology helps students understand themselves, others, and the systems within which they work and live.

Why complete a minor in Sociology at CMU?

The minor requires 18 credit hours and can fit alongside a major in any field, whether in the three-year or the four-year Bachelor of Arts. The student is given the opportunity to gain a broad understanding of Sociology through the required introductory courses, and then may explore a variety of topics, according to their interest. A student can gain valuable secondary competencies, applicable in almost any vocation, but especially relevant alongside a major in Communications, Business, International Development Studies, or Peace & Conflict Transformation Studies. Careers where these skills may be applied include areas such as social welfare, criminal justice, government, research, industrial relations, and administration.



For a list of current courses and descriptions, please see the Undergraduate Courses & Timetable.

For a complete list of courses and descriptions, please see Section I of the Academic Calendar.


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