Canadian Mennonite University

ChristianWeek Symposium keynote videos available to be shared (videos)

The ChristianWeek Symposium on May 2-3, 2019 brought together Christian faith-based journalists from across Canada. Participants included members of the Canadian Church Press and the Anglican Editors Association along with others. CMU was very pleased to host this thoughtful and inspiring event!  

Please feel free to share the Tribute and Symposium keynote addresses.  

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A two minute taste of Going Barefoot!

Here's a taste of Going Barefoot in two minute bites! These were some of our presenters at Going Barefoot 4 in 2014. Their insights still have the capacity to fuel strategy and vision today. Expect to glean more wisdom at Going Barefoot 5!

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Five questions with Trudy Schroeder, keynote speaker

1. What is the 140-character version of your talk at Going Barefoot?

Thriving and surviving as a cause driven organization:  What are the secret ingredients that make organizations thrive? In a world of razzle-dazzle solutions, thriving organizations achieve success with simple tools.

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Five questions with Gayle Goossen, workshop facilitator

1. What is the 140-character version of your two talks at Going Barefoot?
Workshop 1: Acquiring and Keeping Donors: Donors are your key partners to change. Developing strong, loyal relationships with them is critical your organizational growth.

Workshop 2: Marketing Strategies for the Non-Profit: Strengthen your fundraising by healthy marketing including brand, campaigns, content and digital.

2. What do you see as the biggest opportunity for nonprofit communicators in 2016?
Looking at their communications through the eyes of the donors.

3. What is one thing you wish every nonprofit knew and acted on?
To erase the word "not-for-profit" and replace it with “Agencies for Social Profit.”

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Five questions with Joel Thiessen, keynote speaker

By David Turner

What's the 140-character version of your Going Barefoot talk?
Canadian religiosity is on the decline. What does this mean for church-based non-profit groups and denominations, and for Canada’s social and civic fabric?

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