Canadian Mennonite University

Ministry Resources


CMU's Face2Face events are a series of conversations with CMU faculty designed to engage the community on a wide variety of current events and issues that affect Winnipeg and our world. Come out to listen, question, and discuss.



A two-day conference intended for ALL involved in ministry. Moved online for Fall 2020.


Portable CMU

Portable CMU offers you the benefits of university instruction in your own local setting! These short courses cover a range of topics our faculty members have prepared to deliver in a variety of contexts away from CMU. Each Portable offers three or four sessions delivered flexibly to suit your congregational or retreat setting and need.


Choral Music Lending Library

CMU's Choral Library houses over 4,500 individual titles of sacred and secular choral music suitable for mixed choir, women's chorus, and men's chorus. This music is regularly loaned to church, school, community, and other university choir programs. If you are interested in borrowing these music resources please contact



Christine Longhurst, Assistant Professor of Music and Worship at CMU, has created and maintains a wonderful worship resource site. The purpose of this blog is to help worship leaders and planners access some of the wonderful worship resources on the internet.


CommonWord Bookstore and Resource Centre

A collaboration of Mennonite Church Canada and Canadian Mennonite University, CommonWord is an integrated book and resource centre. 

Here users may buy, borrow, and download a wide range of resources. This centre, housed in 2,300 square feet, will serve both the university community and function as a public book and resource store, with arguably the best collection of Anabaptist Christian resources in the country and the largest Christian bookstore in the province. CommonWord serves the university community, the Mennonite church locally and nationally, and the broader ecumenical community with a wide selection of books and giftware and the Resource Centre's current 11,000 items. Within CommonWord over 400 square feet of retail space has been allocated to Ten Thousand Villages fair trade giftware.

The name, CommonWord, was chosen to  communicate an inclusive and welcoming space for the broader constituency and community, existing adjacent to a library and commons area, and echoing the Word, with its broader meanings in Scripture.

The Word is foundational to CMU, to the church communities in which CMU is rooted, and to the materials and experience offered in this new collaboration.


Kindred Productions

Kindred Productions is the publisher for the Mennonite Brethren in Canada and the U.S. Kindred Productions serves national and regional conferences, churches and members by developing MB resources and providing materials to equip people for Christ-like living and ministry.


Menno Media

MennoMedia, an agency of Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada, seeks to engage and shape church and society with resources for living Christian faith from an Anabaptist perspective. MennoMedia produces faith-based print, video, radio and web materials with ideas for living out your faith—for people everywhere—from a Mennonite perspective.


Mennonite Studies Resources

CMU Librarians have brought together a comprehensive listing of 'all things Mennonite'. Click on the link below for a compilation of Resource Centres, General Resources, Internet Journals, Periodicals, and Magazines along with Church and Denominational Conferences.


CMU Press

CMU Press is an academic publisher of scholarly, reference, and general interest books. Books from CMU Press address issues vital to the university, its constituency, and society. Areas of specialization include Mennonite studies, and works that are church-oriented or theologically engaged.


Vision: A Journal for Church and Theology

Vision: A Journal for Church and Theology is published semi-annually by CMU and Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Indiana. Vision seeks to encourage theological reflection by church leaders on the identity, mission and practices of the church from an Anabaptist-Mennonite perspective.



For over thirty years Direction has been addressing biblical, theological, historical, ethical, and church-related issues. A semi-annual publication, Direction is supported by Mennonite Brethren higher education institutions in the United States and Canada.

All back issues of Direction, since its founding in 1972, are now available on the journal's Web site and may be searched, studied, downloaded, and printed. The journal is supported by the U.S. and Canadian MB conferences and by six MB educational institutions. It was founded as a medium for research and conversation on issues of importance to the church.


Peace Research Journal

In continuous publication since 1969, Peace Research: The Canadian Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies is Canada's oldest and primary scholarly journal in its area. It is published twice a year by CMU and is distributed internationally. Peace Research publishes broadly on issues of conflict, violence, poverty, just peace and human well-being.

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