Canadian Mennonite University

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Office of Ministry Inquiry

Andrew Dyck
  • "We're convinced that CMU is in an excellent position to help young adults discern their calling and gifts for ministering in congregations and to the world beyond the church. The CMU community, in partnership with many diverse church communities, provides a wonderful opportunity for this discernment to take place."
  • Andrew Dyck, Assistant Professor of Ministry Studies
John Boopalan
  • "'Calling,' for me, represents God's open invitation to anyone who has wondered "Is there more to life?" I believe God says "yes" along with us, inviting us to take part in the collective ministry of healing, care, and hospitality. In allowing for theological reflection at the intersection of science, arts, and business, among other things, CMU is uniquely positioned to allow for a full exploration what ministry means in an increasingly complex world."
  • John Boopalan, Assistant Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies

CMU’s Office of Ministry provides undergraduate and graduate students with an opportunity to experience a process of discernment around their calling, interests, skills, and potential vocations in congregational ministries.

Co-chairs of this student program Andrew Dyck and John Boopalan work in consultation with members of the CMU community and interested congregations.

CMU’s predecessor colleges, MBBC and CMBC, had a long history of successfully launching many undergraduates into church ministries. Through the Office of Ministry Inquiry CMU continues this role in a variety of ways, through courses, pastoral internships, retreats, and many informal discussions. 

CMU’s Office of Ministry Inquiry is located within CMU’s Biblical & Theological Studies Program and Graduate School of Theology and Ministry.


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Through its Office of Ministry Inquiry, CMU provides a focused and intentional approach to discernment for ministry, through:



If you are a CMU student interested in ministry or would like to learn about the work of the Office for Ministry Inquiry, please contact:

Andrew Dyck
Tel. 204.487.3300 (ext. 627)

John Boopalan
Tel. 204.487.3300 (ext. 626)

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