Canadian Mennonite University

Other Resources

Pastors' Theology Seminar 2017-18

The aim of CMU's Pastors' Theology Seminar is to provide an opportunity for pastors to have in-depth conversations with colleagues and CMU faculty, stimulated by significant books and writings relevant to their work as church leaders.

This year the Pastors Theology Seminar will explore two Bible commentaries that have been published by leading Biblical & Theological Studies faculty at CMU—Gordon Matties, Professor of Biblical Studies & Theology (Fall 2017 Semester) and Gordon Zerbe, Professor of New Testament (Winter 2018 Semester).



The Seminars will meet from 12:15–2:00 PM on the dates indicated below.

The seminar format will include informal conversation among colleagues followed by a presentation by the Seminar Leader. Significant time will be allowed for group discussion.


Winter 2018 Semester — Philippians with Gordon Zerbe

Three sessions in the winter will focus on Paul's letter to the Philippians, and will consist of discussions in response to the reading of Gordon Zerbe's recently released commentary on Philippians: Philippians (Believers Church Bible Commentary. Herald Press, 2016).  

What if rather than only reading Philippians, we allowed Philippians to read us? Gordon challenges readers to allow Paul's prison letter to interpret our own lives—not by extracting lessons out of historical and cultural context but by imagining ourselves into the ancient Roman world...and back again.

As a way to enter into the foreign world of Paul, Gordon will also share some slides and images: ruins and reconstructions of Philippi, artifacts and visual representations of the imperial cult, and more.


Practical Matters



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