Winnipeg, April 30, 2013 – More than 40 businesspeople, students, and teachers gathered at CMU on April 9 as the university’s Redekop School of Business (RSB) partnered with the Winnipeg chapter of Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) for a luncheon.
The luncheon allowed CMU Associate Professor of International Business Jeff Huebner to showcase the university’s new business space, and the video-conferencing technology now available to RSB faculty and students.
The luncheon also included a 30-minute live videoconference with Veronica Herrera, the CEO of MiCredito in Managua, Nicaragua. MiCredito is a microfinance organization funded in part by MEDA.
“It was a great event,” Huebner says, noting that while CMU has had a business program for five years, it was only in the last year-and-a-half that it became known as the Redekop School of Business and started offering the Bachelor of Business Administration degree.

“The luncheon was a spotlight event where we could profile the school to the business community,” Huebner says.
MiCredito creates business solutions that include both social and financial support to micro and small entrepreneurs in Nicaragua, providing for a more prosperous future. It employs 54 people in seven branches, with a portfolio worth more than $4 million USD.
Six business students from CMU will visit the organization during an international study tour April 29-May 13.
Huebner says he organizes travel study programs so that students see and experience first-hand how their business knowledge and skills can be applied in other countries.
Huebner says he organizes travel study programs “so that students see and experience first-hand how their business knowledge and skills can be applied in other countries and among those who are less fortunate or who have different needs.”
At the luncheon, Huebner also introduced a new RSB scholarship. Worth approximately $6,500 in tuition savings, the scholarship has been established for a student endorsed by MEDA.
Established in 2011, the Redekop School of Business is developing the potential of future business leaders to bring together sound business practice with commitments of faith, generosity, and service.